November Day Along the River

How are you? You are how
this is too easy
a still gift of photographs
almost like a real letter.

You like flowers, flowers like you, like
Peonies, purple green red yellow mopped hair
Marigolds, red orange bites
Red geraniums in a real clay pot
and those little white hanging threading flowers,
I don’t know their name, whispery white.

I am 1,000 characters
all so small you can’t see them
like tiny little squiggly bugs.
You are 1 bodacious character
like a lobster on the ocean floor under
blue waves under an orange sky,
or a swell cat, an orange tabby
with blue eyes,
who never scratches but purrs
and curls in your lap for a nice nap
on a hot sunny summer day,
a sleepy breeze cooling powdery sky.
Evening comes and a glass of white or red wine
and dinner and the sun goes down
and the moon comes up
up and up and up and up
so the path is lit.

But now is not summer
now is the beginning
of a long winter
without you.


  1. I love the way you string images together. Nice work, Joe.

    1. Joe Linker says:

      Thanks for reading and comment, Jane. I’ve noticed you’ve been busy lately; congrats on the new book!

      1. Thanks Joe. I keep writing. Wish people would start buying though!

        1. Joe Linker says:

          Book trade slow, but specialty markets should be doing better than mainstream. I don’t know.

          1. Maybe I should try writing crap. That seems to sell :)

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